Mehsus tab hota hai, Jab voh juda hota hai.
Bina dost ke jina, Ik saza hota hai.
Aur dost aap jaisa ho, To jine ka maza hi aur hota hai.
Copied from Himmat Singh's blog
Pita Samjavehnge... Mixture of random musing, Articles, Photos, Gurbani etc.
There's this Hindu couple that comes to the local Gurdwara. They do soo much seva. It's unbelievable how much seva they do. You caa always find the wife doing the cleaning-the-shoes-seva. And what's so cool is that, they never show off, talk about it or anything. It's as if they do the seva; and forget about it, never to be remembered again. Now I don't know what's going on in their brains; they might be stuck in the 5 vices, and what not; but what really amazes me ias that they do the seva they do, with a
It feels as if they've got a lot more humility in the Gurdwara than most of the Sikhs put together (including me haha). It feels as if they're the carrier of the torch of Guru Nanak, more than the Sikh sangat is; which is stuck in ritualism, Akhand Paath, and what not. I'm not talking about rehit or anything; because although they might not be following the rehit, I personally think that the devotion they're serving with passes all lengths; of the devotion most rehitvan Sikhs do in this part of the world.
I don't have much to say, other than; although I'm not saying Rehit isn't important, I still think there are more important things (despite the many quotes the exist to emphasise rehit), in the spiritual life, such as; devotion, gyan etc. That being said; I'm not saying there aren't rehitvaan people who don't have above qualities; but I think more emphasis is put in the exterior, than the interior; rather than a balance of both.
Haven’t posted for long due to getting a part-time job, and due to preparations for a Sikh youth camp in
Hope to post a bit more frequently =D