Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Jakara Movement

I watched a few videos on Youtube about the Jakara movement. I think they raise a lot of vital issues that need to be tackled within the Sikh community. Among other things, it raises; domestic violence, female foeticide and dodgy disagreements in the community.

I definitely hope that those who could’ve attended it, have attended it, because it seems like a really good event.

Also I do admire their video-making skills ; because it’s definitely not an easy job to make a video like that.



Anonymous said...

thats a greate slide u put up!!!! its really good!!!!
salute u man...dint know u have taste!!! :P

vsingh said...

thanks for passing by and leaving you kind comments =D

Dilpreet Kaur said...

viro viro...hehe