Friday, September 14, 2007

Wish with care

Although there's a lot of stuff I need to blog about, among other things the two camps I've been to lately and a lot of other stuff, I decided to post about something that's very recent. A bike ride with my cousin where we discussed the issue of 'wishing stuff', and how we easily get carried away wishing stuff and, once we get what we wish we really regret it.

Sometimes what we wish comes as a really big challenge and struggle.

A bit background info; I’ve studying Medical Technological engineering (basically maintaining and developing machines in hospitals). My education started last semester (Jan 2007). The first semester we studied medical courses (in order to make a pulse meter; you need to know what a pulse is! In order to make a pacemaker you need to know how/why/when the heart depolarises etc). I found that a lot of fun. I found it really interesting; thought – I might as well study biomed. So I apply for biomed and a few other extra courses I had applied for ….which are realllllly hard to get in…. The fact that I applied late doesn’t help

I was anxious all summer waiting for the response; did I get into everything I wanted to get in to? (this was one of the small things that didn’t allow me to enjoy Sikh student camp to its fullest).

Ok so a lot of prayers and anxiety later I find out that I got into the program I wanted to!!! Wooohooo!

But what about my other seat, in the engineering? Should I just dump that? How can I dump something I haven’t even done!!?

So although I had gotten what I wished, and prayed for; I was now in a big dilemma – what do study and do for the rest of my life!!!

I since not all of them started at the same time, I decided I’ll start all of them (don’t worry; education in Sweden is totally free [which might be the reason why I’m so spoiled] – so I wasn’t spending all my summer savings paying 4 different university fees.)

Studying 3 different fulltime courses, and one part time course just doesn’t work. Believe me; I’ve tried it. (I’m struggling with 2 fulltime ones – it’s working!!!). On a more serious note; I managed to make up my mind; I decided to carry on studying Medical Technology; and worse comes to worse I'll have to change later on if I find it really boring - but I can't just leave something I haven't even tried! I don't regret it - and am really happy that I've got my priorities straight now. And who says it needs to be so dramatic - something I want to do for THE REST OF MY LIFE. Come on! Nothing says I can't change field later on; after I get my basic degree - I think it's a very tabu thing within Indian culture - to change your mind later on. But one thing is for sure; life was living hell when I still hadn't made up my mind !

Point being; wish with care – cause its very likely that you might get what you want; but in the end you might regret asking it to begin with.

Kind of reminds with the quote;

ਵਿਣੁ ਤੁਧੁ ਹੋਰੁ ਜਿ ਮੰਗਣਾ ਸਿਰਿ ਦੁਖਾ ਕੈ ਦੁਖ

ਦੇਹਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਸੰਤੋਖੀਆ ਉਤਰੈ ਮਨ ਕੀ ਭੁਖ

To ask for any other than You, Lord, is the most miserable of miseries.
Please bless me with Your Name, and make me content; may the hunger of my mind be satisfied.

Page: 958


gareeb said...

so very eye-opening..

glad you figured out what you want to do, though - i know how you felt in your undecided state!

vsingh said...

Hey TR bhenji,
Nice to hear from you after so long.

Yeah it was really tough; but luckily, I finally managed to make up my mind =)

Hope things are going good with you :)

Anonymous said...

Duality my boy, should avoid it. Always think through everything and then make a decision. Then when you wish for it, everything will be ok.

I think its there in gurbani also about dual mindedness. I just don't know where la. Anyways weigh all options before wishing or making a decision to do something.

I hope this helps.

vsingh said...

Heyy nice to hear from you pai!

Hope everythings good with you...

Thanks for your advice =)

Dilpreet Kaur said...

viro!i think you've mastered the art of making your posts interesting!hahaha, it's in the titles!!hehehe...

anyway, yeah I so know how you feel!been like that all my life!oh boy!! but what has worked for me is doing an ardas, to request god to eliminate all other options for me!!haha, I'd be disappointed, but it's better than regretting not to attempt it! :D tada!!hahaha, now I need to do another ardas at the end of next sem - "oh waheguru, choose a major for me!!hahahaha"

take care! and yeah mopping's fun!! Washing bathrooms can be fun too, it's like a foam party! hehe, end up with foam everywhere!! lalala

vsingh said...


Are you saying my posts weren't interesting *crushed*
Haha, I'm TRYING to spend slightly more time now on the blog..

hmm doing ardaas; that's a great idea! Why not? So Waheguru kind of gives signals what not to choose, and what to head towards?

hmmm - I keep getting told off by mum for wetting the entire bathroom ...(DON'T ASSUME ANYTHING! She only says this after the morning SHOWER!!), May'be I shoudl start mopping a bit :D haha

thanks for your advice; I'm DEFINETLY going to try it out!

Dilpreet Kaur said...

Haha!I can never keep my bathroom dry either! oh wait, your bathroom must be seperate from your showering area right?no wonder!mine's all in one, so no choice it'll get wet!!

hey no problem about the advice!:D
good!blog more, I need to start blogging!!