Friday, May 04, 2007


The other day (exactly one week ago) I did my driving test; and I passed it!

Was a great feeling; now being able to drive without anyone sitting beside all the time! Not that I'm going to be able to drive much, but had guests that day, so the first trip I made without a teacher was to the Gurdwara, to drop the guests (",)

After the test, mum (who was waiting in the car), went to work, and I was meant to go home (with public transport!). Since the test place is near a shopping center, I decide to check out clothes. I usually don't spend much time shopping clothes. That day I speant a few hours, and quite a lot of money on buying shorts and shirts (Summer seasons here)!

I think I deserved it. I did however realise one thing; Shopping on your own can be very fun. As long as you've got time to check out stuff, and don't have anyone (an annoying relative, or parent) nagging on you to hurry up, to just BUY THE CLOTHES OR NOT TO BUY THEM. So that was actually a lot of fun! Mum wasn't too happy to see my bank balance after the shopping, but that's another story alltogether!

I'm satisfied. One thing that I do remember from a previous post about contentment is about license being one of the things I still don't have. Now thats removed from the list. Now it's just; a Digri (Degree, in hardcore Punjabi), a job (academic, to come after the digri), a car, and a voti.
Thats it! Amazing!

I went to the post office to pick up the license, which came by mail today; I look pretty good in it (okayish haha

p.s Mum still doesn't know I, kind of, bumped the car into the garange door while taking the car out of the garage
. Nothing serious, hardly visible (if your eyes aren't too good. )

Deynda deh lehnde thuk pay...


Angad Singh said...

main tere shkait laune aunty ji nu...i have yr house number muahahahahahah

Angad Singh said...

by the take yr taus out on a drive already :)

vsingh said...

lol Angad.
You know, Me and Jasmeet were extra nice today, and nto only did we refill the air of the tires, but we actually washed the car (inside and outside); and most of the color from the bumo I caused went away =); So not much to complain about; only someone with very sharp eyesight will be able to detect it now!

Yeah taus darlings outside the box now haha!

Unknown said...

Awesome! another chauffeur to my list!hehe, angad get your license soon! hehe ;)
wonder bebeh

Unknown said...

oh forgot to add:
it must have rained in sweden!!hehe

vsingh said...


Oi; you saying my clothes in Singapore and Malaysia weren't HOT? (they did get quite painty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)